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(317) 254-5922 - Mailing Address:
4750 N Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46228 - Worship Times:
Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m.
Contact Us
AI Tools for Everyday and Spiritual Life
Dr. Francita McMichel & Min. Jamil Campbell |
Tuesdays in January 6:30 -7:30pm ET Tuesdays in February 730 – 8:30pm ET IN PERSON SESSIONS |
Adult Men & Women
When Faith Disappoints
Min. Jamil Campbell |
Tuesdays 6:30 -7:30pm ET |
Adults 49 and under
Embracing What Matters Most
Rev. Dr. Pat Carson |
Tuesdays 6:30 -7:30pm ET |
Women |
A Church Divided: Understanding the Church’s Complicity in Racism |
Rev. Dr. Samuel Murray & Deacon Emeritus Dana Watts
Thursdays 6:50 – 8:30pm ET |
Adult Men & Women |
Equipping the Saints II 1 Corinthians 9:1-16:24
Rev. Dr. John Foulkes & Floyd Bridges |
Saturdays 10:00-11:00am ET
Adult Men & Women |
AI Tools for Everyday and Spiritual Life
This growth group is open to all and will explore how AI tools and resources can enhance everyday life, with a special focus on spiritual practices. The goal is to demonstrate how AI can aid spiritual growth by reducing the time and effort required for tasks such as learning, devotional study, and other spiritual disciplines. This growth group will help participants integrate technology into their spiritual lives, making growth more accessible and manageable.
Embracing What Matters Most
This Growth Group will delve into the book of the same name and will focus on using Scripture from the Song of Solomon to help women discover their passions, embrace their inner strength and find joy beyond stereotypes.
When Faith Disappoints
This group will focus on the recently released book, When Faith Disappoints: The Gap Between What We Believe and What We Experience. This growth group will address the unique challenges of faith individuals face as their faith is being refined by the fires of life. This growth group will provide a space for open dialogue and reflection on the realities of faith and the struggles that arise when our experiences don’t align with our beliefs.
A Church Divided: Understanding the Church’s Complicity in Racism
This course is designed to conduct a synopsis of “Church History in America,” and its complicity with racism in the life of both church and nation. Hopefully this study will provide students with insight and spiritual guidance on how to develop effective anti-racist strategies to help counter racism and promote reconciliation--particularly within the church and our American society
Equipping the Saints II
This Growth Group focuses on the exploration and application of the Apostle Paul’s advice and counsel to the church at Corinth found in I Corinthians 8:1 - 16:24 as they struggled applying the Gospel to their environment and life. This Growth Group is for any serious explorer of scripture. Diversity of age groups is welcome to enhance the depth of the exploration. The texts are approached through a dialogical exploration based on a model of inquiry/exegesis that forces the explorer to struggle with the text and to critically analyze the text, formulating the results of the God conversation that takes place in that analysis.